112-2 統計學(二)

  • TOP:  Score Sheet (updated: 2024/07/01) ( 若對成績有問題,請於公告後24小時內與教師連絡。If you have any questions about your grades, please contact the teacher within 24 hours after the announcement.) (請重新整理網頁,才會更新PDF檔)

  • [2024/06/20] Download Final Exam of Statistics (II), Bonus Test, R Programming。(規則詳見檔案)[答題範例] (How to Write the Answer Sheet?)
  • [2024/06/20] Final Exam Seating Sheet (期末考座位表)(Will be announced 10 minutes before the exam; 考前10分鐘公告)
  • 吳漢銘老師伺服器及個人網站2024/06/08遭勒索病毒攻擊,全部檔案被鎖住。因無異地備份,網站暫時難恢復運作。目前重建網站中… (My server and personal website were recently attacked by ransomware, locking all files. Due to the lack of off-site backups, it is difficult to restore the website’s operations at the moment. The website is currently being rebuilt…)
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