NCCU 7:59 am, Sep 8, 2024 30°C 多雲 Humidity Humidity: 56 % Clouds Clouds: 75% 吳漢銘老師伺服器及個人網站近日遭勒索病毒攻擊,全部檔案被鎖住。因無異地備份,網站暫時難恢復運作。目前重建網站中…My server and personal website were recently attacked by ransomware, locking all files. Due to the lack of off-site backups, it is difficult to restore the website’s operations at the moment. The website is currently being rebuilt… R語言教學Learning R 教學 (Teaching) 研究介紹 (Introduction) 論文發表 (Publication) 研究指導 (Advisor) 研究 (Research) 歷年課程 (Past Courses) List Item #2 List Item #3 服務 (Service) 導生聚 (Mentor) List Item #2 List Item #3