研究發表 (Publications)

Han-Ming Wu at Google Scholar


    1. Su, E.CY., Wu, H.M. (2024), Dimension reduction and visualization of multiple time series data: a symbolic data analysis approach. Computational Statistics, 39, 1937–1969.
    2. 陳逸瑄、王鴻龍、吳漢銘 . (2023),象徵性資料分析法於電信信令資料的矩陣視覺化與分群 ,中國統計學報, 61(2), 128-151.
    3. Wu, H.M. (2022), Book Review: Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R by Emil Hvitfeldt, Julia Silge, Biometrics, 78(3), 1270-1272. [SCI]
    4. 李昱儀、吳漢銘.(2019)。地標等軸距模糊切片逆回歸法及其於醫學影像切割的應用 ,中國統計學報, 57(1), 43-70。
    5. 賴威宇、吳漢銘. (2018),以維度縮減技術為基礎的互動式探索性資料分析平臺 ,統計與資訊評論, 18卷, 19-48.
    6. Wu, H.M., Tien, Y.J., Ho, M.R., Hwu, H.G., Lin, W.C., Tao, M.H. and Chen, C.H.., (2018), Covariate-adjusted heatmaps for visualizing biological data via correlation decomposition, Bioin-formatics, 34(20), 3529-3538. [SCI]
    7. Kao, C.H., Nakano J., Shieh, S.H., Tien, Y.J., Wu, H.M., Yang, C.K., and Chen, C.H.. (2014), Exploratory data analysis of interval-valued symbolic data with matrix visualization, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 79, 14-29. [SCI]
    8. Chen, Y.S. and Wu, H.M.. (2013), The application of sliced inverse regression for dimension reduction of the interval-valued symbolic data, Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 51(3), 327-351. [中文]
    9. Yao, W.T. and Wu, H.M.. (2013), Isometric sliced inverse regression for nonlinear manifolds learning, Statistics & Computing, 23, 563-576. [SCI]
    10. Wu, H.M.., (2011), On biological validity indices for soft clustering algorithms for gene expression data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 55(5), 1969-1979. [SCI]
    11. Lu, H.H.-S.., and Wu, H.M. (2010), Visualization, screening, and classification of cell cycle-regulated genes in yeast, International Journal of Systems and Synthetic Biology, 1(2), 185-198.
    12. Wu, H.M., Tien, Y.J. and Chen, C.H.. (2010), GAP: a graphical environment for matrix visual-ization and cluster analysis, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 54(3), 767-778. [SCI]
    13. Yin, S.Y., Wang, W.H., Wang, B.X., Aravindaram, K., Hwang, P.I., Wu, H.M. and Yang, N.S.. (2010), Stimulatory effect of Echinacea purpurea extract on the tra.icking activity of mouse dendritic cells: revealed by genomic and proteomic analyses, BMC Genomics, 11:612. [SCI]
    14. Lin, S.H., Liu, C.M., Liu, Y.L., Fann, C. S.J., Hsiao, P.C., Wu, J.Y., Hung, S.I., Chen, C.H., Wu, H.M., Jou, Y.S., Liu, S.K., Hwang, T.J., Hsieh, M.H., Chang, C.C., Yang, W.C., Lin, J.J., Chou, F.H.C., Faraone, S.V., Tsuang, M.T., Hwu, H.G. and Chen, W.J. . (2009), Clustering by neurocognition for fine mapping of the schizophrenia susceptibility loci on chromosome 6p. Genes, Brain and Behavior 8(8):785-794. [SCI]
    15. Wu, H.M.. (2008), Kernel sliced inverse regression with applications to classification, Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics, 17(3), 590-610. [SCI]
    16. Tien, Y.J., Lee, Y.S, Wu, H.M. and Chen, C.H.. (2008), Methods for simultaneously identifying coherent local clusters with smooth global patterns in gene expression profiles. BMC Bioinformat-ics, 9:155, 1-16. [SCI]
    17. Wang, C.Y., Staniforth, V., Chiao, M.T., Hou, C.C., Wu, H.M., Yeh, K.C., Chen, C.H., Hwang, P.I., Wen, T.N., Shyur, L.F., and Yang, N.S. . (2008), Genomics and proteomics of immune modulatory effects of a butanol fraction of echinacea purpurea in human dendritic cells. BMC Genomics, 9:479. [SCI]
    18. Wu, H.M., and Lu, H.H.-S.., (2007), Iterative sliced inverse regression for segmentation of ultrasound and MR images, Pattern Recognition, 40(12), 3492-3502. [SCI]
    19. Sher, Y.P., Chou, C.C., Chou, R.H., Wu, H.M., Chang, W.S., Chen, C.H., Wu, C.W., Yang, P.C., Yu, C.L., and Peck, K.. (2006), Human Kallikrein 8 protease confers a favorable clinical outcome in non-small cell lung cancer by suppressing tumor cell invasiveness, Cancer Research, 66, 11763-11770. [SCI]
    20. Wu, H.M., and Lu, H.H.-S.., (2004), Supervised motion segmentation by spatial-frequential analysis and dynamic sliced inverse regression, Statistica Sinica, 14, 413-430. [SCI]



研討會論文 (全文)

    1. Wu, H.M. (2011). Nonlinear extension of sliced inverse regression using the geodesic distance approximation, Proceedings of the Seventh IMT-GT International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications (ICMSA 2011), 312-322, July 21-23 2011, Bangkok Thailand.
    2. Tzeng, S.L., Wu, H.M., and Chen, C.H.. (2009). Selection of proximity measures for matrix visualization of binary data, Proceedings of the 2009 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2009), 1932-1940, Tianjin, China. [EI]
    3. Chen, C.H.., Hwu, H.G., Jang, W.J., Kao, C.H., Tien, Y.J., Tzeng, S., and Wu, H.M., (2004), Matrix visualization and information mining, Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2004 (Comp-stat 2004), 85-100, Physica-Verlag.
    4. Lu, H. H.-S.., and Wu, H.M., (2003), On visualization, screening, and classification of cell cycle-regulated genes in yeast, the 14th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW2003), 344-345.



    1. Wu, H.M., Kao, C.H., and Chen, C.H.* (2020), Dimension reduction and visualization of sym-bolic interval-valued data using sliced inverse regression. in Advances in Data Science: Symbolic, Complex, and Network Data (eds. Diday, E., Guan, R., Saporta, G., and Wang, H.). Wiley, pp. 49-78.
    2. Wu, H.M., Tzeng, S.L., and Chen, C.H.., (2008), Matrix visualization. In Chun-houh Chen, Wolfgang Ha‥rdle, and Antony Unwin, editors, Handbook of Data Visualization, pp. 681-709, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.


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