關於我 (About)

Wu, Han-Ming (Hank), Associate Professor

  • Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University
  • E-mail: wuhm@g.nccu.edu.tw
  • Website: https://hmwu.idv.tw
  • No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605, Taiwan (R.O.C)
  • Office: College of Commerce, Room 261103
  • Tel: +886-2-29393091 ext: 81103
  • FAX: 02-29398024


吳漢銘於 2003 年國立交通大學取得統計博士學位後,隨即加入中央研究院統計科學研究所陳君厚教授實驗室,擔任博士後研究員,從事資料矩陣視覺化的研究及微陣列資料分析工作。2008 年開始於淡江大學數學學系資料科學與數理統計組任教,兩度獲得教學優良教師獎勵。2016 年 8 月轉任國立臺北大學統計學系,,2021 年 8 月再次轉任國立政治大學統計學系,現職為副教授。吳博士曾擔任國際統計學會 (International Statistical Institute, ISI)年輕統計學家委員會主席 (2017-2019),並於吉隆坡主辦第二屆 ISI 年輕統計學家工作坊 (2019 ISI YoungStatisticians Workshop, YS-ISI2019)。吳博士長期於校內外推廣 R 語言統計資料分析,現為台灣人工智慧學校講師之一。他的研究興趣及專長為高維度資料分析、資訊視覺化、微陣列資料統計分析、統計計算、R/Java 程式軟體開發及機器學習等,目前則專注於象徵性資料分析的相關研究。(個人網頁 http://www.hmwu.idv.tw)

Short Bio

After obtaining his Ph.D. in Statistics from National Chiao Tung University in 2003, Dr. Han-Ming Wu joined Professor Jun-How Chen’s lab at the Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, as a postdoctoral researcher. He conducted research on data matrix visualization and microarray data analysis. In 2008, he began teaching in the Data Science and Mathematical Statistics Group at the Department of Mathematics, Tamkang University, where he twice received the Outstanding Teaching Award. In August 2016, he transferred to the Department of Statistics at National Taipei University, and in August 2021, he joined the Department of Statistics at National Chengchi University, where he is currently an Associate Professor. Dr. Wu served as the Chair of the Young Statisticians Committee of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) from 2017 to 2019, and organized the 2nd ISI Young Statisticians Workshop (YS-ISI2019) in Kuala Lumpur. He has long been promoting R language statistical data analysis both inside and outside the university and is currently one of the lecturers at the Taiwan AI Academy. His research interests and expertise include high-dimensional data analysis, information visualization, statistical analysis of microarray data, statistical computing, R/Java software development, and machine learning. He is currently focused on research related to symbolic data analysis. (Personal website: http://www.hmwu.idv.tw)


  • 1997 – 2003, Ph.D. in Statistics, Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University  
    Advisor: Professor Hung-Hsi Lu  
    Dissertation: Statistical Applications of Dimension Reduction to Segmentation of Medical Images and Classification of Microarray Data
  • 1995 – 1997, M.Sc. in Mathematical Statistics, Institute of Statistics, National Chung Cheng University  
    Advisor: Professor Yu-Shan Shih  
    Thesis: Resampling Methods on Classification Trees
  • 1991 – 1995, B.Sc. in Mathematics (Mathematical Statistics Group), Tamkang University


  • Director (2023/08 – present), Statistical Consulting Center, Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University
  • Head of International Student Section (2021/02 – 2021/07), Office of International Affairs, National Taipei University
  • Director (2018/08 – 2021/01), FinTech and Green Finance Research Center, College of Business, National Taipei University
  • Lecturer (2018/02 – present), Taiwan AI Academy
  • Associate Professor (2016/08 – present), Department of Statistics, National Taipei University
  • Associate Professor (2011/08 – 2016/07), Department of Mathematics, Tamkang University
  • Assistant Professor (2008/02 – 2011/07), Department of Mathematics, Tamkang University
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2005/05 – 2008/01), Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica [Military Service]
  • Postdoctoral Research (2005/01 – 2005/04), Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica [Military Service]
  • Postdoctoral Research (2004/01 – 2004/12), Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica [Military Service]
  • Research Assistant (2002/06 – 2003/10), Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
  • Visiting Researcher (2002/10 – 2002/11), Insightful Corporation, Seattle
  • Exchange Student (2000/09 – 2001/09), Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston

Areas of Expertise and Research Interests

  • Symbolic data analysis (象徵性資料分析)
  • Matrix visualization (矩陣視覺化)
  • High-dimensional data analysis (高維度資料分析)
  • Nonlinear dimension reduction (非線性維度縮減法)
  • Nonlinear manifold learning (非線性流形學習)
  • Medical image analysis (醫學影像分析)
  • Statistical machine learning and R programming language (統計機器學習及R程式語言)
  • Statistical analysis methods for microarray images and data (微陣列影像及資料統計分析方法)


  • See <Publications>.

Academic Service

  • 理事兼任會員委員 (2021/08 – 2024/07), The Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics (第十一屆中華機率統計學會)
  • 學術顧問 (2021 – present), 財團法人人工智慧科技基金會
  • Lecture (講師) (2018 – present), Taiwan AI Academy (台灣人工智慧學校)
  • Associate Editor (2014/08 – present), Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association (中國統計學報)
  • Associate Editor (2014/01 – present), Computational Statistics (SCI)
  • 理事 (2020/08 – 2022/08), AI FinTech Association (AI 金融科技協會)
  • Associate Fellow (副研究員) (2019/08 – 2021/07), 國立臺北大學大數據與智慧城市研究中心
  • 諮詢顧問 (2018/06 – 2021/07), 科技部全國科技動態調查
  • Member (2015 – 2019), Board of Directors (BoD), Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS)
  • Webmaster (2017 – 2021), International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
    Chair (2017 – 2019), ISI Young Statisticians Committee
  • IASC Representative (2013 – 2015), International Statistical Institute (ISI) Young Statisticians Committee.
  • Scientific Secretary (2013 – 2015), IASC-ARS
  • Chair (2013 – 2015), Young Statisticians Group in IASC (YSG-IASC)
  • Consultant (顧問), (2013/12 – 2016/03), Chinese Academy of R Software (中華R軟體學會)
  • Consultant (顧問), (2013/12 – 2016/04), Data Science and Business Applications Association of Taiwan (台灣資料科學與商業應用協會)


  • 112學年度,獲111年商學院教學優良教師
  • 111學年度,指導統計系碩士生陳慧霜、陳柏維、張順益,參加「教育部2023全國智慧製造大數據分析競賽」,獲大專與研究生組(Project A)唯一金獎,獎金NT50萬元
  • 111學年度,指導大學生楊謹豪同學,主題「應用自我組織映射圖將表格型資料轉換為影像以使用卷積神經網絡進行深度學習之研究」,獲得「國科會補助大專學生研究計畫」獎勵通過。(計畫成果進入大專學生研究創作獎複選)
  • 110學年度,指導研究生江柏學,碩士論文獲得111年中國統計學社碩士論文獎佳作
  • 110學年度,指導大學生陳岷逸同學,主題「結合加速一階優化法和t-分佈隨機鄰近嵌入法於高維度多重觀點資料之維度縮減」,獲得「科技部補助大專學生研究計畫」獎勵通過
  • 110學年度,指導研究生陳逸瑄,碩士論文獲得
  • 2022第十五屆崇越論文大賞AI資訊組佳作
  • 110學年度,指導研究生江柏學,碩士論文海報獲得第四屆全國碩士生統計碩士論文獎多元應用組優等
  • 108學年度,指導碩士班畢業生張一凡同學獲得中國統計學社 109 年論文獎甄選之佳作獎
  • 國立臺北大學 108 學年度教學績優教師
  • 國立臺北大學 107 學年度績優導師
  • 國立臺北大學專任教師研究獎勵: 108、110 學年度
  • 科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才: 100 – 103、106、108、109 學年度
  • 英語授課教師培訓 (2019/07), 2019 Certificate on the EMI (English as a Medium of instruction) Teacher Training Program (one week), 新加坡國立大學
  • 英語授課教師培訓 (2016/01), Certificate on the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) Principles and Best Practice Program (two weeks), 昆士蘭大學
  • 英語授課教師培訓 (2014/06), Certificate on the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) Principles and Best Practice Program (one week), 淡江大學
  • 專利名稱:「一種用於資料管理與決策之計算裝置」, 專利 (國別) 號碼: 中華民國 TW I521466B, 發明人: 吳漢銘, 陳冀寬 ((財團法人臺灣基督長老教會馬偕紀念社會事業基金會馬偕紀念醫院), 專利核准日期: 2016/02/11 −。
  • CPAS(職業適性診斷測驗) 諮詢師校園培訓初階資格證書 (2015/07)
  • 專題研究成效卓著淡江之光獎: 104 學年度
  • 指導 100 學年度碩士班畢業生陳業勛同學獲得中國統計學社 101 年論文獎甄選之優等獎
  • 淡江大學教師教學優良教材獎勵 (教材教案編製): 100、101、103 學年度
  • 淡江大學專任教師評鑑: 100 學年優等獎
  • 淡江大學專任教師研究獎勵: 97、98、99、100、102 學年度。
  • 淡江大學特優導師: 103學年度
  • 淡江大學優良導師: 102學年度
  • 淡江大學教學優良教師: 98、101 學年度
  • 中華機率統計學會 (Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics, CIPS) 會徽設計比賽第一名 (2007)
  • 第十二屆陳文成統計科學獎學金 (博士論文) (2002)
  • Phi Tau Phi Scholarship (2001)
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